Why hot yoga?
Yogatown was the first exclusively hot yoga studio in Ottawa, and all our classes are still hot, so we’ve received this question a lot over the years.
We love to practice in the heat, and here are 5 amazing benefits of hot yoga that are at the top of our list.
Trust us, you’re going to sweat. Sweating is a natural way for your body to get toxins out, and to let all the good things in! Chemicals and toxins are all around us – in the air, in the water and in the products we use – and sweating is a natural way to move those toxins out of our system. You’ll leave your hot yoga class feeling lighter, cleaner, and rinsed from the inside out!
Greater Range Of Motion
Many of us sit in front of computers all day, and others of us are hyperactive athletes who train in other sports regularly. Whether you’re one of these or somewhere in the middle, chances are your muscles and joints are tight.
Yoga can help lengthen those tight muscles, but the added heat in hot yoga is even more beneficial and helps your muscles relax and find a greater range of motion. As a result, you experience a deeper, more gradual stretch to improve flexibility, faster and safer.
Natural Exfoliant
When your body temperature rises, your pores open up so you can sweat – it’s your body’s natural way of preventing overheating. As sweat escapes through your pores, it takes with it dirt and toxins that can lead to blemishes and acne. Just be sure to shower or splash your face with water after class so the grime doesn’t hang around on your skin. There’s a reason most hot yogis have glowing and radiant skin.
The heat is often the hardest thing to get used to when you’re trying hot yoga for the first time – and with good reason. The heat adds an increased level of intensity that practicing at room-temperature just can’t deliver. This added intensity takes your practice to a whole new level, providing the mental release you need with the physical aspect you love.
Happy Heart
The heat creates an added intensity to your practice, which means you also get incredible cardio benefits in class. Hot yoga is a well-rounded experience: exercising the body, mind, spirit – and your heart!
As amazing as hot yoga is, we also know it can feel a bit intimidating to new yogis. If that’s you, check out our blog post about how to not be intimidated by hot yoga.
Trust us, Give hot yoga a try, and you’ll love how you feel when you float out of the room.