Stephanie Priest

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” – Howard Thurman



Stephanie Priest


I fell in love with yoga 10 years ago. I was first drawn to the strength I was building physically, but by the end of my first 10 class pass, I was hooked on the mental benefits.

I noticed I was kinder to myself.

I was more present.

I was more aware of my own thoughts and feelings.

I knew I wanted to share these gifts with others.

In early 2015, I took off to Southern Spain to complete my YTT with Frog Lotus Yoga International. I returned home after completing my training, only to quit my corporate job a few months later and travel back to the same Yoga Retreat Centre to assist with a Teacher Training, lead a retreat, and volunteer. Once back in Ottawa, I knew teaching yoga was the path I wanted to continue on. And I haven’t looked back since!

My goal as a teacher is to inspire students to deepen their foundation of yoga ‘basics’, with the outcome being a greater awareness of one’s Self, and the knowledge to safely begin or continue a home practice for many years to come. I look forward to practicing with you!

upcoming classes


  • Preston
  • Stittsville
  • Barrhaven


Upcoming Preston classes

300 Preston Street


    Upcoming Stittsville classes

    1300 Stittsville Main St. Stittsville


      Upcoming Barrhaven classes

      34 Highbury Park Drive, Unit 7, Nepean

        full class schedule