Jenna Fletcher
"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." – Albert Einstein
Jenna Fletcher
I took my first yoga class in 2006 and will never forget how present, embodied, and open-
hearted I felt in the hours that followed. That day I became a student of yoga for life. Over the
years my practice has shifted and evolved, always bringing new teachings and deepened
Yoga has brought healing and benefit to every aspect of my life. I hope for the same to be true
for you. My intentions in guiding you are to help you connect with yourself, receive insights
from within, and shed what doesn’t serve you – through breath and movement.
I am a mama to a lively toddler who is my greatest joy! I am also a Psychotherapist in private
practice. In my spare time I love to study and integrate nature-based wellness practices.
upcoming classes
- Preston
- Stittsville
- Barrhaven
Upcoming Preston classes
300 Preston Street
Upcoming Stittsville classes
1300 Stittsville Main St. Stittsville
Upcoming Barrhaven classes
34 Highbury Park Drive, Unit 7, Nepean
Thursday, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
with Jenna Fletcher